Wednesday, February 26, 2025

BASICS OF NUTRITION: The quick and easy and never changing.....



I want to keep this as short as possible.  Obviously it could be a book. Nutrition can seem like SO MUCH. So many plans, philosophies, numbers, timing, adaptogens, supplements, all the things.

It’s so complicated. And also, so simple.


*You will not get fat from eating fruit. Or eating fruit at certain times of day.  I challenge you to show me someone who got fat from eating too many apples. Oranges. Whatever. (also bananas aren’t going to make you fat, I cannot talk of this further0.

*You do not need to “cleanse” (if you have working organs, your body gets rid of stuff it doesn’t need).

*Attempt to get as much of your nutrition from FOOD SOURCES as possible, rather than supplements, where vitamins and minerals are absorbed in combinations that naturally occur together in certain foods. Then, fill in the gaps.

*Fresh food is always better than packaged AND YES: we live in a world where we will eat packaged food so just try to eat fresh in situations where it is possible.

*Most of us know 1-2 nutritional changes that we really should work on, so acknowledge those things and make a plan, including hydration.


EAT IN MODERATION. An occasional treat is not going to ruin your body composition.

2 QUESTIONS TO ALWAYS ASK YOURSELF when eating a snack or meal: 1. What is my protein or calcium 2. What is my fruit or vegetable.  (A snack of an apple is not adequate- pair it with a protein or calcium).

PLAN AHEAD! WASH and PREP FOOD! (This takes like 20 minutes on a Sunday to maybe boil eggs, make quinoa to add to salads, prep overnight oats containers, wash/chop veggies to have available to use. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE HUNGRY to plan or eat!

DO NOT EAT IN ONE DAY IN A WAY THAT YOU COULDN’T maintain for the rest of your life.

CARBS ARE NOT AN ENEMY (especially if you exercise, and you obviously should). Obviously don’t overdo, maintain balance, and choose QUALITY/whole grains.

FOCUS ON INCLUSION VERSUS EXCLUSION: PRIOTIZE getting IN what you need rather than making a huge mental focus on statements of things to avoid.

Protein: lean proteins, every time you are eating, there should be some protein (and fiber)

Fiber: check labels- make this a priority to accumulate

Plants/veggies/fruits: every single day try to get as close to 5 fruits and 5 veggies daily!

Whole grains: these are not bad for you!  And they have many more nutrients that you won’t get if you are avoiding!

Healthy fats: add PB to a smoothie, avocado to sandwich/salad, fish high in omega 3 regularly.

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