Sunday: Turkey burgers, massaged kale salad with dried cranberries, homemade apple sauce.
Monday: OUT: holiday- we are all home!
Tuesday: Chickpea patties on salad, whole wheat couscous, rasberries for dessert
Wednesday: kale, cranberry and goat cheese stuffed chicken **new recipe! leftover couscous.
Thursday: Spinach lentil stew
Friday: movie night at school- light dinner before hand of smoothie and egg/spinach muffins.
Saturday: Whole wheat spaghetti with leftover spinach lentil stew on top. (1 week to go before marine corps marathon- no more beans!! beginning less fiber after tonight, etc!)
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
She liked
what she saw…
My best friend gave me an inspirational book for my 40th
birthday that I feel so honored to have been given. I read the words and look at the pictures and
to think that she thought of me means the world.

“One day, she stepped back and took a look at
her life.
A long, close look. As though it were a city she loved and she was flying high above it, so high that she could see the whole thing.
A long, close look. As though it were a city she loved and she was flying high above it, so high that she could see the whole thing.
And she realized something:
Wow. That is just the
first two pages. How powerful.
How I treasure that I can say these words.
I like what I see.
These words are not easy for me to say. I have a history of some low self
confidence. Maybe it is that I am now
beginning my 40th year of
life….. not that I think I am old and wise… but… I might just be growing into
myself. (To some levels, haha.. still
lots of work to do!) But I like what I
see internally. I like my passion, my
meaning, my drive, my loves. I see the
messiness and I still like itJ
I like where I’ve
been. Even if I haven’t always liked it when I’m in
it. Life’s never easy. That is not the point and not what I seek. I can accept that, with the knowledge that I
have always done my best and lived according to my values. I wouldn’t change most things that I have
experienced- they have created my current reality. I like that I’ve given my all in so many
situations, beginning from my earliest years.
Many of my goals haven’t been realized, dreams haven’t come to fruition,
but damn damn damn, I’ve tried. I’ve
learned so much, seen so much, been devastated by so much, surprised by so much and thrilled to the ends
of my being. I’ve been beaten down, but
lifted back up. I’ve been discouraged,
but muddled through…. Miserably at times… step by step…. Both literally and
I am still me,
through these places I’ve been.
I’ve grown in spurts
it seems…. Sometimes as much in one day as one whole year. I am a changed me, smarter me, more broken
me, more strengthened and humbled me. I
have answered to my heart, making decisions that answer the call I have heard
from my God. I wouldn’t change things
that have hurt me, and am full of unending gratitude for so much that has been
a dream come true.
I like where I’m
going. At this time, I like
that I feel hope and a future. I do get
in funks where I doubt this, but right now, at a deep level, I know I will
continue with all of the above- living in my world… in competition with no
one…. Answering my calling…. Loving my children and husband….. always working
to be aware and intentional…. Being humble enough to tweak things I do when I
see that they are not working….. reacting with thought and in line always with
my beliefs, trusting my character with the resilience that I have found
within…. With the fact that I am now okay.
I think I survived. Changed, but
still me…
**Text and pictures from page 2, “Today, Tomorrow &
Everyday.” M.H. Clark
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Fueling a big week- weekly meal plan
I am struggling to keep control of my schedule these days-- there is so much to do- during work hours and also outside of work hours (kids schedules). So I am struggling, but doing it.... I'm really trying to find the time to create space for my soul within life- to walk the dogs, continue with a crochet project, time for friends, time for sitting and reading, time for just sitting with the kids while they do their homework so they know I am with them.
I'm trying to be so very intentional with my choices, with my yes's and no's, and working to ensure that they are reflecting my core, my character, my needs and wants.
This week is a big- last big!!!-- run mileage week before a 2 week taper down to Marine Corps marathon. So, I need fueling for me, filling and quick/easy for our schedule, but most of all ... THE PLAN!! I am NOTHING without my plan, haha!
here it is:
Sunday: chili, cornbread, and sliced oranges. Ryan is making this chili- it is his recipe, and I wanted it now to get some extra iron in me without it being too close to marathon time (all the beans, haha!) I always insist that we have oranges w/chili since it is my only red meat I ever eat and Vit. C enhances absorption of iron.
Monday: Chicken salad sandwiches with sliced celery/cranberries/greek yogurt; smoothie and broccoli
Tuesday: honey peanut marinated tofu lettuce cups. (kids love this///ryan... not so much). with sweet potatoes. *let me know if you want this recipe!
Wednesday: smoky almond chicken (use smoky almonds/food processed/1/2 fat free sour cream mixed with 1/2 bbq sauce, yum..), green salad, pumpkin muffins
Thursday: fat free refried beans/shredded cheese burrito wraps with fruit salad.
Friday: Tuna pasta on salad.
Saturday: out!!!
I'm trying to be so very intentional with my choices, with my yes's and no's, and working to ensure that they are reflecting my core, my character, my needs and wants.
This week is a big- last big!!!-- run mileage week before a 2 week taper down to Marine Corps marathon. So, I need fueling for me, filling and quick/easy for our schedule, but most of all ... THE PLAN!! I am NOTHING without my plan, haha!
here it is:
Sunday: chili, cornbread, and sliced oranges. Ryan is making this chili- it is his recipe, and I wanted it now to get some extra iron in me without it being too close to marathon time (all the beans, haha!) I always insist that we have oranges w/chili since it is my only red meat I ever eat and Vit. C enhances absorption of iron.
Monday: Chicken salad sandwiches with sliced celery/cranberries/greek yogurt; smoothie and broccoli
Tuesday: honey peanut marinated tofu lettuce cups. (kids love this///ryan... not so much). with sweet potatoes. *let me know if you want this recipe!
Wednesday: smoky almond chicken (use smoky almonds/food processed/1/2 fat free sour cream mixed with 1/2 bbq sauce, yum..), green salad, pumpkin muffins
Thursday: fat free refried beans/shredded cheese burrito wraps with fruit salad.
Friday: Tuna pasta on salad.
Saturday: out!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
4 WEEKS to GO!
I am 4 weeks out to Marine Corps Marathon, so the training has been occupying all of my workout time! My last marathon was in 2011! Wow, I can hardly believe it has been 4 years off of the long distance running! A marathon is so much different than the halves that I've been doing over these years! I, was really worried that I wasn't going to ever get "into" the marathon training again onc
e I started a few months ago. I honestly felt "different" and much older, and my body just (bigger) and more tired/ harder to recover.. and wow.. going out for 16 miles, 17, 18 miles, whoa.... just seemed kinda insane!!!
Well, a week ago I had a 23 mile run which went fairly well! I've done a 20, 21 and 23 miler and this weekend I will do a negative split/fast 10 mile finish 20 miler.
I am honestly LOVING IT. I know, or suspect at least, that I won't be as fast as I was 4 years ago... but I really am loving the training (at this very moment in time haha!) I finally feel FIT again. I had a tempo run this week which began at 7:30 pace and dropped to 6:50 pace and was HARD YES.. but i did it and felt UP TO IT! There is such a difference between the HARD WORKOUTS when you are UNFIT than the HARD WORKOUTS WHEN YOU ARE FIT! Ohhh, this feeling of being able to run strong is going to be one of those highlights that get me to continue pushing and go out on a dreary tired day!! I'm so thankful for getting through frankly some of the sucky feelings of early in my marathon plan. It is just the honest truth: running is HARD. It wouldn't be what it is if there wasn't an enormous effort that needed to go into it. But the greatest joy of it is feeling proud of what you have done through hard work and determination. You have built this body, this heart and these muscles, which are now working WITH AND FOR ME! SO ADDICTING!
Well, a week ago I had a 23 mile run which went fairly well! I've done a 20, 21 and 23 miler and this weekend I will do a negative split/fast 10 mile finish 20 miler.
I am honestly LOVING IT. I know, or suspect at least, that I won't be as fast as I was 4 years ago... but I really am loving the training (at this very moment in time haha!) I finally feel FIT again. I had a tempo run this week which began at 7:30 pace and dropped to 6:50 pace and was HARD YES.. but i did it and felt UP TO IT! There is such a difference between the HARD WORKOUTS when you are UNFIT than the HARD WORKOUTS WHEN YOU ARE FIT! Ohhh, this feeling of being able to run strong is going to be one of those highlights that get me to continue pushing and go out on a dreary tired day!! I'm so thankful for getting through frankly some of the sucky feelings of early in my marathon plan. It is just the honest truth: running is HARD. It wouldn't be what it is if there wasn't an enormous effort that needed to go into it. But the greatest joy of it is feeling proud of what you have done through hard work and determination. You have built this body, this heart and these muscles, which are now working WITH AND FOR ME! SO ADDICTING!

Race Report- Reston Triathlon
Reston Triathlon 2015.
*Did NOT train adequately through the summer for this race as my main goals were on running-- Annapolis 10 miler and the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon in 4 weeks! I had been running plenty, but swimming was mostly limited to 10 min stints in the pool when the kids were on break/eating lunch and
*Race morning came and it was supposed to be a rainy and chilly morning. I slept with windows open and was freezing all night. My alarm went off at 3:45 and I got up and decided that I couldn't imagine myself going out in this cold weather into the lake. That I didn't enjoy biking when freezing.... and I also didn't want to race in unsafe, wet conditions, etc. I messaged a few people to please not think negatively about me for not going/ not being "in it" this year, etc. And then i went to tell Ryan that it really wasn't going to happen for me this year since i wasn't going. He asked why. I proudly told him I just didn't want to.. (good for me, right, sticking up for what I WANT to do....)Good for me until he appeared baffled (or just sleepy) and I got my swimsuit/big girl pants on and arrived at the race.
*Biking from T2 to swim start in the cold dark had me again wondering what the hell i was doing. I was literally convulsing with shaking/cold and my headlight kept going off/ moving around, so I held it, then it wasn't working/ too hard to brake, so I was essentially riding my bike in the dark with no light. fantastic. yuck. did not really want to do this race.
*And then I saw "my people." Saw Michele, Meredith, Eric, John, Matthew, and others and it became FUN! It was so great to stand around at the beginning with my people! i softened and became happy! Ryan and the kids came to watch the swim before heading to 8am church, and I was so thankful to have them there!
*The swim was about to start and I had "placed myself" in Wave 1-- not that my swim time is that fast, but I wanted to be in wave 1 because I finish at the top and don't like the bike being all passing and more dangerous, so I realize I put down a too fast for me swim time.. but I am committed to earning it when I do that and I go hard! So I lined up with Eric at the beginning of Wave 1-- I was surprised more people were not right there ready 10 min beforehand... another reminder that this was a nice local, easygoing race! We turned around for teh National Anthem and I was horrified as we stood there with our hands on our hearts and I saw a guy right next to me in his wetsuit with pee coming out of the ankle. GROSE. HE was about 1 foot uphill from me, so I did not take my eyes off the line of pee coming down.. DISGUSTING.. I have heard of people doing this before, but I just was astounded, disgusted, turned off, mad that it was during the National Anthem.... and then it kept continuing, and I really was grosed out. I mentioned to Eric that some people are currently peeing so watch your feet and his eyes boggled out and he just said WOW in this way that was SO FUNNY to me/ and completely broke my tension and annoyance and I had a lovely laugh and I felt HAPPY again! it was great!!! And I felt less miserable and ready to begin!
*The swim began and i was on the extreme right side- great as we were doing a counterclockwise loop around the lake periphery and I prefer breathing right. First 1-4 minutes in, I was having a hard time- I really believe that my wetsuit bothers me because I can feel it's line on my neck and I feel like I am being strangled. But.. it is what it is. and i made myself go super slow for about 2 minutes so I didn't freak out, I worked on exhaling completely... and I really settled into a decent/doable pace and began picking it up as I got control of my breathing better/ didn't feel the constriction around my neck as much. i felt strong and great and felt like my sighting was great.. But I also know that I have felt this way before and still came out slow as molasses.
*I exited the swim, looked down and I was in 28 min range and i was so thrilled to be under 30! Still not fast, but honestly not bad and that was all I was looking for frankly!!! In T1, I was putting helmet on and I saw Matthew running up the hill with his bike and I was so excited to see him, I yelled out for him and realized he had a great swim- he was in Wave 2 and passed me (wasn't at all surprised by this, but just thrilled to see him!!!)
(this is matthew finishing to the left- 2nd in his age group!!)
*Got on my bike and began feeling great. I was frankly worried about my bike due to lack of training. Biking is such m y strength and I somehow don't have to work too hard for it, but I also get very nervous at being unprepared at anything in life. I always like to err on the early and prepared side of things!! But the bike was decent- of course not my fastest, but I still felt ok, was passing people and it was great. During the bike, I saw Eric pass me around mile 20, I was so thrilled for him, he was hauling and I was so thrilled to see him so fast and strong and just darn proud. I literally smiled for probably an entire mile just being so happy for him, and so happy that i was exactly where I was to see it!!!
*Entering T2, I saw John Schaller as a road volunteer and he was very good about yelling to me that I was 3rd place female at the time...and I knew he was trying to get this info to me, and i knew he was going to, and it was so nice to be able to trust another athlete who knows what it

is like to have this important info given, etc!!
*I began the run and was happy to be on my feet. I passed the #2 girl in front of me, but saw that she was actually in the wave behind me, so even though I passed her, she was still "faster". Neither of us had even seen the #1 girl-- we said a few words back and forth like, "is she really up there/ we haven't seen her, etc".... But everyone was then telling me I was 2nd so I figured they knew what they were saying. The run seemed to NEVER. EVER. EVER. END. I know Reston so well, but these paths I don't know as well and it seemed to take forever to get to this part in the path. I even asked a volunteer- is the turnaround soon?!! I think the paths are so windy that you never really know where you are and you figure you must be there soon! I did see the girl in front of me, but was hard to tell how far in front since I wasn't at the turnaround/ was waiting for it, etc!!! Then as I turned around, I did see the #3 person behind me, as well as a girl really hauling along after that. I committed to continue my focus. Keeping my cadence up, my arm swing up, etc. i knew I was getting tired, but I also knew people were kinda close! I kept it up, actually feeling stronger for the last 2 miles of the run. We hit the huge uphill before the track at the finish and I just kept feeling so thankful that I do hill repeats on that hill/ know it so well! I entered the track, and same thing: I felt AT HOME on this track, so thankful that my body just KNOWS how much one final lap on the track will be to me!!!about 50 meters from the end though I heard heavy fast footsteps and a girls saying, "don't let me get you" and I was already going my fastest and couldn't keep her from passing me! So I moved back in place, finishing in 4th woman overall and first in my age group! I was happy with the placing, but also frankly just the race- that I had decided to DO IT! that I was there for it and actually didn't feel too bad! It ended up being a beautiful day to race- the post race party was FUN having so many people there that I knew!
wow... I look..pained!!
SO: lesson that I took away from this day:
NEVER MAKE A DECISION ON RACE MORNING! If you planned to race, go do it! I am so thankful that I did!! It is my last race until Marine Corps Marathon on 10/25, so now fully focused on running and only using swimming and biking as cross training! If you did Reston TRIATHLON- WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART or your highlights! (or lowlights- those are valid also-- my lowlight was the peeing guy).
*Did NOT train adequately through the summer for this race as my main goals were on running-- Annapolis 10 miler and the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon in 4 weeks! I had been running plenty, but swimming was mostly limited to 10 min stints in the pool when the kids were on break/eating lunch and
I would crank out some 100's, and my bike was unfortunately limited to about 4 experiences on my bike since Eagleman in early June! PITIFUL! (But wouldn't change it for the world- I had a great summer being completely present with the kids/ spending all the time I could with them.. and frankly learning to relax a bit more!)
*Race morning came and it was supposed to be a rainy and chilly morning. I slept with windows open and was freezing all night. My alarm went off at 3:45 and I got up and decided that I couldn't imagine myself going out in this cold weather into the lake. That I didn't enjoy biking when freezing.... and I also didn't want to race in unsafe, wet conditions, etc. I messaged a few people to please not think negatively about me for not going/ not being "in it" this year, etc. And then i went to tell Ryan that it really wasn't going to happen for me this year since i wasn't going. He asked why. I proudly told him I just didn't want to.. (good for me, right, sticking up for what I WANT to do....)Good for me until he appeared baffled (or just sleepy) and I got my swimsuit/big girl pants on and arrived at the race.
*Biking from T2 to swim start in the cold dark had me again wondering what the hell i was doing. I was literally convulsing with shaking/cold and my headlight kept going off/ moving around, so I held it, then it wasn't working/ too hard to brake, so I was essentially riding my bike in the dark with no light. fantastic. yuck. did not really want to do this race.
*And then I saw "my people." Saw Michele, Meredith, Eric, John, Matthew, and others and it became FUN! It was so great to stand around at the beginning with my people! i softened and became happy! Ryan and the kids came to watch the swim before heading to 8am church, and I was so thankful to have them there!
*The swim was about to start and I had "placed myself" in Wave 1-- not that my swim time is that fast, but I wanted to be in wave 1 because I finish at the top and don't like the bike being all passing and more dangerous, so I realize I put down a too fast for me swim time.. but I am committed to earning it when I do that and I go hard! So I lined up with Eric at the beginning of Wave 1-- I was surprised more people were not right there ready 10 min beforehand... another reminder that this was a nice local, easygoing race! We turned around for teh National Anthem and I was horrified as we stood there with our hands on our hearts and I saw a guy right next to me in his wetsuit with pee coming out of the ankle. GROSE. HE was about 1 foot uphill from me, so I did not take my eyes off the line of pee coming down.. DISGUSTING.. I have heard of people doing this before, but I just was astounded, disgusted, turned off, mad that it was during the National Anthem.... and then it kept continuing, and I really was grosed out. I mentioned to Eric that some people are currently peeing so watch your feet and his eyes boggled out and he just said WOW in this way that was SO FUNNY to me/ and completely broke my tension and annoyance and I had a lovely laugh and I felt HAPPY again! it was great!!! And I felt less miserable and ready to begin!
*The swim began and i was on the extreme right side- great as we were doing a counterclockwise loop around the lake periphery and I prefer breathing right. First 1-4 minutes in, I was having a hard time- I really believe that my wetsuit bothers me because I can feel it's line on my neck and I feel like I am being strangled. But.. it is what it is. and i made myself go super slow for about 2 minutes so I didn't freak out, I worked on exhaling completely... and I really settled into a decent/doable pace and began picking it up as I got control of my breathing better/ didn't feel the constriction around my neck as much. i felt strong and great and felt like my sighting was great.. But I also know that I have felt this way before and still came out slow as molasses.
*I exited the swim, looked down and I was in 28 min range and i was so thrilled to be under 30! Still not fast, but honestly not bad and that was all I was looking for frankly!!! In T1, I was putting helmet on and I saw Matthew running up the hill with his bike and I was so excited to see him, I yelled out for him and realized he had a great swim- he was in Wave 2 and passed me (wasn't at all surprised by this, but just thrilled to see him!!!)

*Got on my bike and began feeling great. I was frankly worried about my bike due to lack of training. Biking is such m y strength and I somehow don't have to work too hard for it, but I also get very nervous at being unprepared at anything in life. I always like to err on the early and prepared side of things!! But the bike was decent- of course not my fastest, but I still felt ok, was passing people and it was great. During the bike, I saw Eric pass me around mile 20, I was so thrilled for him, he was hauling and I was so thrilled to see him so fast and strong and just darn proud. I literally smiled for probably an entire mile just being so happy for him, and so happy that i was exactly where I was to see it!!!
*Entering T2, I saw John Schaller as a road volunteer and he was very good about yelling to me that I was 3rd place female at the time...and I knew he was trying to get this info to me, and i knew he was going to, and it was so nice to be able to trust another athlete who knows what it

is like to have this important info given, etc!!
*I began the run and was happy to be on my feet. I passed the #2 girl in front of me, but saw that she was actually in the wave behind me, so even though I passed her, she was still "faster". Neither of us had even seen the #1 girl-- we said a few words back and forth like, "is she really up there/ we haven't seen her, etc".... But everyone was then telling me I was 2nd so I figured they knew what they were saying. The run seemed to NEVER. EVER. EVER. END. I know Reston so well, but these paths I don't know as well and it seemed to take forever to get to this part in the path. I even asked a volunteer- is the turnaround soon?!! I think the paths are so windy that you never really know where you are and you figure you must be there soon! I did see the girl in front of me, but was hard to tell how far in front since I wasn't at the turnaround/ was waiting for it, etc!!! Then as I turned around, I did see the #3 person behind me, as well as a girl really hauling along after that. I committed to continue my focus. Keeping my cadence up, my arm swing up, etc. i knew I was getting tired, but I also knew people were kinda close! I kept it up, actually feeling stronger for the last 2 miles of the run. We hit the huge uphill before the track at the finish and I just kept feeling so thankful that I do hill repeats on that hill/ know it so well! I entered the track, and same thing: I felt AT HOME on this track, so thankful that my body just KNOWS how much one final lap on the track will be to me!!!about 50 meters from the end though I heard heavy fast footsteps and a girls saying, "don't let me get you" and I was already going my fastest and couldn't keep her from passing me! So I moved back in place, finishing in 4th woman overall and first in my age group! I was happy with the placing, but also frankly just the race- that I had decided to DO IT! that I was there for it and actually didn't feel too bad! It ended up being a beautiful day to race- the post race party was FUN having so many people there that I knew!

SO: lesson that I took away from this day:
NEVER MAKE A DECISION ON RACE MORNING! If you planned to race, go do it! I am so thankful that I did!! It is my last race until Marine Corps Marathon on 10/25, so now fully focused on running and only using swimming and biking as cross training! If you did Reston TRIATHLON- WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART or your highlights! (or lowlights- those are valid also-- my lowlight was the peeing guy).
Monday, September 28, 2015
Weekly Meal Plan
And I am SO not ready for this week- weekends are fun when busy, but I have to be very careful to have a plan when I return so that we don't just eat JUNK/ so we have fresh food available, and so I have enough time AND ENERGY!!! to cook something!!! (I am barely there, but faking it until I make it).
Sunday: sweet potatos, cottage cheese and beans. (just got back in town and needed a low key/ quick and healthy plan.)
Monday: Spinach "burgers", homemade applesauce, whole grain apple bread, and carrots. Yes, again a hodge podge, but we need some veggies and these spinach burgers pack in the spinach and the kids LOVE THEM! I am making homemade applesauce in crockpot and haven't ever done this before... whole grain apple bread was a recipe that made 2 loaves a few weeks ago, and I am just pulling it out of freezer!
***recipe for spinach burgers is pitifully simple: jam a half bag at least of spinach into food processor and push button. now mix that with 1 egg, 1/4 whole wheat bread crumbs (if you want to add anything spices, any basil or other herbs, feel free to). then put 1/4 cup amounts on a skillet for 1-2 minutes/side and they make little patties. My kids call them either spinach burgers or pancakes and they gobble them up and I cannot believe it!! They are great little snacks also.
Tuesday: pumpkin pancakes (this is in the middle of 2 soccer practices, so can be an easy make and eat/reheat if needed for some!)
Wednesday: Taco salad w/ ground turkey.
Thursday: fat free refried beans/cheese on whole wheat tortillas... again... a meal in the car for half the family.
Friday: fish, steamed zucchini and broccoli, pumpkin muffins.
Saturday: ryan and forrest out to boy scout camp/ phoebe is out with a friend.. i'll be on my own and will have a nice salad with lentils/tomato/feta since noone else loves this as much as i do!
**email me for recipes of any of these or questions!
Sunday: sweet potatos, cottage cheese and beans. (just got back in town and needed a low key/ quick and healthy plan.)
Monday: Spinach "burgers", homemade applesauce, whole grain apple bread, and carrots. Yes, again a hodge podge, but we need some veggies and these spinach burgers pack in the spinach and the kids LOVE THEM! I am making homemade applesauce in crockpot and haven't ever done this before... whole grain apple bread was a recipe that made 2 loaves a few weeks ago, and I am just pulling it out of freezer!
***recipe for spinach burgers is pitifully simple: jam a half bag at least of spinach into food processor and push button. now mix that with 1 egg, 1/4 whole wheat bread crumbs (if you want to add anything spices, any basil or other herbs, feel free to). then put 1/4 cup amounts on a skillet for 1-2 minutes/side and they make little patties. My kids call them either spinach burgers or pancakes and they gobble them up and I cannot believe it!! They are great little snacks also.
Tuesday: pumpkin pancakes (this is in the middle of 2 soccer practices, so can be an easy make and eat/reheat if needed for some!)
Wednesday: Taco salad w/ ground turkey.
Thursday: fat free refried beans/cheese on whole wheat tortillas... again... a meal in the car for half the family.
Friday: fish, steamed zucchini and broccoli, pumpkin muffins.
Saturday: ryan and forrest out to boy scout camp/ phoebe is out with a friend.. i'll be on my own and will have a nice salad with lentils/tomato/feta since noone else loves this as much as i do!
**email me for recipes of any of these or questions!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Welcome to my first post! I've been thinking about beginning a blog for quite a few months, and have been searching for the best title, the best day to begin, the best first post, and I SHOULD KNOW BY NOW!!! There is NEVER a more perfect time to BEGIN things than simply the present:) So I am beginning.
I'm writing for many reasons!
*Sharing is fun-- I love reading other people's blogs, being inspired, thinking outside of my own box! I invite you comment, share your thoughts and experiences, tell me what is helpful to you/ what you maybe used, as well as share my link if you would like!
*Writing: my goal is to write more often. I enjoy writing and really getting into the nooks and crannies of my thoughts, and sometimes along the way discovering so much about myself! So, in all honesty, if noone ever reads my blog, I am still happy to be doing it:)!!
*Posting for REAL-- I am nothing if not real. Good grief, I cannot hide my emotions if I try! And I don't believe really in hiding them anyway. We all feel, right?! There is beauty in feeling, there is learning in feeling, and there is REAL LIFE HAPPENING through feelings.
I'm not going to stress about this blog, I'm just going to love it:)
I'm going to post things that strike me and maybe I will post a few sentences!
I am going to post great recipes!
I am probably going to post race reports! (and yes, some of them get long- you do not need to feel bad if you don't want to read!)
I am going to post some of my favorite things!
I am going to post workouts that I recommend!
I am going to post musings from my workouts, yoga practices, decisions, life, dogs, kids, flowers, I don't know! But it is not going to be ALL about fitness, but some will be! Stay tuned:)
TODAY: all I am going to say is that I did something I don't normally do for my run- I had a 12 mile run that I was supposed to do for Marine Corps marathon training. I typically have to be home from work at 7am so Ryan can get to work/I am with kids, but I had until 8am so I blasted through 7 mile tempo run/went home and spent 30 minutes getting lunches ready and finishing family stuff getting kids to bus, and then finished up my last 5 miles all easy/ on tired legs from the first 7! I think it was a great "different" workout! Not necessarily the BEST for training, but I definitely felt more fatigued in the legs than normal- and it was just "different" which makes me happy that I did it.
It was really nice being able to RUN at 7am!! I never get to run at normal times! it is either at 4am-ish and I am terrified of animals in the dark, or mid day during a free block of time which I sometimes feel guilty about running during a typical "workday" hour... 7am was nice, sunny, and different!
I hope you all did something different today!
I'm writing for many reasons!
*Sharing is fun-- I love reading other people's blogs, being inspired, thinking outside of my own box! I invite you comment, share your thoughts and experiences, tell me what is helpful to you/ what you maybe used, as well as share my link if you would like!
*Writing: my goal is to write more often. I enjoy writing and really getting into the nooks and crannies of my thoughts, and sometimes along the way discovering so much about myself! So, in all honesty, if noone ever reads my blog, I am still happy to be doing it:)!!
*Posting for REAL-- I am nothing if not real. Good grief, I cannot hide my emotions if I try! And I don't believe really in hiding them anyway. We all feel, right?! There is beauty in feeling, there is learning in feeling, and there is REAL LIFE HAPPENING through feelings.
I'm not going to stress about this blog, I'm just going to love it:)
I'm going to post things that strike me and maybe I will post a few sentences!
I am going to post great recipes!
I am probably going to post race reports! (and yes, some of them get long- you do not need to feel bad if you don't want to read!)
I am going to post some of my favorite things!
I am going to post workouts that I recommend!
I am going to post musings from my workouts, yoga practices, decisions, life, dogs, kids, flowers, I don't know! But it is not going to be ALL about fitness, but some will be! Stay tuned:)
TODAY: all I am going to say is that I did something I don't normally do for my run- I had a 12 mile run that I was supposed to do for Marine Corps marathon training. I typically have to be home from work at 7am so Ryan can get to work/I am with kids, but I had until 8am so I blasted through 7 mile tempo run/went home and spent 30 minutes getting lunches ready and finishing family stuff getting kids to bus, and then finished up my last 5 miles all easy/ on tired legs from the first 7! I think it was a great "different" workout! Not necessarily the BEST for training, but I definitely felt more fatigued in the legs than normal- and it was just "different" which makes me happy that I did it.
It was really nice being able to RUN at 7am!! I never get to run at normal times! it is either at 4am-ish and I am terrified of animals in the dark, or mid day during a free block of time which I sometimes feel guilty about running during a typical "workday" hour... 7am was nice, sunny, and different!
I hope you all did something different today!
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